Wednesday, April 11, 2012


 totally what i'll wear to the gym. 
form over function all the way! 

but wait, yours truly never goes to the gym. 
not anyway nowadays. 
i just like to look like i go to the gym!

Monday, April 9, 2012

the return of pink

color approved: this should be the pink that EVERY pink-wearer should consider. 

natalia's gorgeous in her gown, but... 
what is that monstrous thing the other unknown model is wearing?
not to be snooty or anything, 
but it makes her look, well for lack of a better word, fat.

Monday, October 24, 2011

approved, but for...

approved, but for... 
the fact that it's not a Macbook Air
well, what's so good about a MacBook Air? 
The fact that it's sleek, light, sexy and... crashes when you attempt to use track changes on it for more than an hour during the middle of your two-hour take home paper for Drafting Class.  
so much for being the reviews about its "stunning performance", eh?

cupcake, anyone?

this dress reminds me of a pink cupcake, one of the cakes in the cake family that i turn my snooty nose against any act or any suggestion to bake it
cupcakes should be left to amateurs to make.  

Goodbye, Summer!

 summer's come to a close, and and so do all good things.
autumn beckons, and i must move on to the dreary land of november once more.
fret not, as summer will come, once again. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

outfit for barbie: out for grocery shopping

realistically speaking: i could imagine a salsa dancer in this outfit; but it doesn't make the "sexy cut" salsa dancers need.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

torture chamber

the perfect place to torture someone to insanity.
too much of a good thing throws the balance off in life.